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Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie Apr 05 1088 views

How do accountants use AI in their work?

I am very interested in math an AI. My dad tells me I should consider accounting but I also am super obsessed with AI right now and wonder if that's something that is helping accountants right now

Annie’s Avatar
Annie Jun 04 1373 views

What are the best schools in Florida for introverted students who study hard?

I want a school that has a pretty good reputation. I want good instructors and a school that is in a safe area.

Toni’s Avatar
Toni Jun 05 1410 views

How do you know which major is right when you love to be creative yet like leadership and working with others?

I'm a senior in high school about to graduate and attend Virginia Tech University in the fall but I'm thinking on potentially switching my major from graphic design to something else. I like being creative and problem-solving but I also like working with people, leadership, and strategy.