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Aarushi’s Avatar


Portland, Oregon
4 Questions
326 Karma

Aarushi’s Career Goals

Unsure, but I am interested in public health or biology research/lab careers. I hope to do masters or a PhD.

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Aarushi Aug 19, 2024 728 views

1) How do you know if public health is for you? 2) Is it a low-stress job with high demand? 3) What will be the best minor option to pair up with a public health major? 4) what type of careers are there in public health?

I am a senior in high school and narrowed down to 2 possible career paths to focus on in college.
Thank you!

Aarushi’s Avatar
Aarushi Jul 05, 2024 872 views

What are some career options if you major in genetics in college?

Is there a lot of demand for these jobs? Or is it limited?

Aarushi’s Avatar
Aarushi Jul 05, 2024 710 views

How do you know if dentistry is for you? How can you get ready for this path as a rising senior in high school?

What are the pros and cons of dentistry( Like in education and day to day life)?

Aarushi’s Avatar
Aarushi Jun 14, 2024 463 views

What is bioengineering like?

What is studying bioengineering in college like? And what is it like being a biomedical engineer?