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Edward Diegguez’s Avatar

Edward Diegguez

Miami, Florida
3 Answers
2189 Reads
1 Karma

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Trenton’s Avatar
Trenton Jun 18 964 views

Is it good to become a Neurologist to live a comfortable lifestyle?

I was viewing this career as a pathway after high school.

Trenton’s Avatar
Trenton Jun 18 395 views

Which University or college did you attend to, to become a Neurologist and why did you choose that place?

I want to explore other colleges or university's that offer courses to become a Neurologist if my set University is any different.

Camilla’s Avatar
Camilla Jun 18 780 views

Should I worry about AI taking over the possible jobs as a business major?

I want to make absolutely sure that I have security in my career in the future.

And in the case that AI does take many people's work in business, what are some business-related careers that AI probably won't bother with?