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Sabrina Eder’s Avatar

Sabrina Eder

Partner Enablement
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
2 Answers
591 Reads
1 Karma

Active Locations

brighter’s Avatar
brighter Jul 12 582 views

where i shall proceed my career path as im in final year now so much worried?

stressed about future because I am unable to decide what to take after software engineering. I have fear due to AI approached across the world for replacing jobs Please suggest me a secure future job and Easy-to-handle tasks like Jobs

Auta’s Avatar
Auta Jul 16 660 views

Should I continue with my passion?

I want to be a news anchor. I have been told I have the voice and confidence, I also enjoy talking to new people. My parents however don't support this. They say that news anchoring can be depressing and I'll eventually get bored of it. They have been constantly trying to change my mind and it...