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Bethany Rentfro Heyde’s Avatar

Bethany Rentfro Heyde

Public Relations/Customer Service
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Marion, Illinois
3 Answers
560 Reads
1 Karma

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abby’s Avatar
abby Sep 12, 2023 621 views

How Do i know what to do after college?

I’m a high school senior and super scared and unprepared for the future

isabella’s Avatar
isabella Jun 09 552 views

How do I pursue a career in journalism?

I'm 17, going to be a senior this fall, and I've been passionate about the field of journalism and social justice since I was very young. While I love the field, I know they make little to no money, especially because I want to be an independent journalist that covers dangerous topics later in...

Vaishnavi’s Avatar
Vaishnavi Jun 22 553 views

I'm interested in copywriting and content writing also

Communication skill,Hindi typing,all software application of computer program,