Career questions tagged broadcast-television

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AstrudSep 01, 20172654 views

Is it better to get good grades or to make connections?

Hi, there! I'm curious as to how to succeed in school, and I'd love to know what my priorities should be. A lot of people have told me that connections are the best resource we get from college, and that it's what most helps with our aspirations. I'm hoping to become a photojournalist, and I've become involved in various clubs, and I've also gone on some career fair/networking events on and off campus. At the same time, I'm doing my best to maintain a 4.0, though it's becoming harder as time passes. So I figured: why not try to figure out what I need to focus on and make time for? So to anyone who's already "made it", what got you to where you are: grades or connections? #journalism #online-media #online-journalism #broadcast-media #broadcast-television #writing-and-editing #writer #photojournalism #networking

answer icon5 answers
Active Jun 23, 2024
location iconHillsboro
undefined's avatar
JaceJan 07, 20171054 views

What direction do I need to get into a career field of broadcast or reporting field?

I am a 26 year old young man dreaming to be a sports broadcaster or reporter one day, for any sports company that I can get into the tv field. I am very passionate about NFL, NBA, MLB, or college football. I would report or broadcast any of the major sports that I have listed to you. I am a firm believer in Jesus christ and know he will let everything fall into place for me whatever his direction may be. I am asking this question to seek help and advise of how I can achieve my goal and great dream. #broadcast-media #broadcast-television

answer icon2 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconNaples
undefined's avatar
ChristianAug 22, 20161324 views

To what extent is the technical knowledge of video and audio editing softwares important in sports broadcasting?

Because I am studying Broadcast Communication #broadcast-media #sports-journalism #sports-media #broadcast-television #marketing-communications

answer icon2 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconNaperville
undefined's avatar
tacobieAug 21, 20161065 views

How much experience in sports broadcasting do i need to have before i can work at ESPN?

I desire to be a sports broadcaster. but I dont know how many years of experience i need before i try to apply at ESPN. #sports #broadcast-television

answer icon2 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconYoungstown
undefined's avatar
CailonAug 19, 20161118 views

Did all of the sport analysts I see broadcasting games on television major in communication and broadcasting or are they doing the job because they are formal athletes?

I am asking this question because I am majoring in Communication Media and because I played college football. #communications #communication #broadcast-media #sports-media #broadcast-television

answer icon4 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconMontezuma Castle National Monument
undefined's avatar
CailonAug 19, 20161881 views

Is it a must to speak a foreign language in order to be a sport analyst and be in the broadcasting industry?

I am asking this question because I want to be a sports analyst and radio and television broadcaster. #sports #broadcast-media #sports-media #broadcast-television #broadcast #radio-broadcasting

answer icon7 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconMontezuma Castle National Monument
undefined's avatar
TylerAug 19, 20161509 views

What can/ should i do while i am still in high school to help prepare me for a career in film or broadcasting?

I am planning on taking a course in one of the two once i enter college and pursue a career within the major i choose. I am wondering i can do to prepare and for this and gain more knowledge and experience in either. #film #film-production #broadcast-television #sports-broadcasting

answer icon4 answers
Active Feb 06, 2024
location iconGrand Bahama International Airport (FPO)
undefined's avatar
MuthuveeraAug 17, 20163234 views

What's the most stable job with a good income in the media field?

I'm a high school senior whose always been interested in working in broadcasting, but am very scared that I might not make the correct decision. #broadcast-media #broadcast-journalism #broadcast-television #broadcast #tv-production

answer icon6 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconFrisco
undefined's avatar
Ben Aug 13, 20166640 views

What is it like working at ESPN?

If you work at ESPN can you provide me some insights into what its like working there? Are there any special perks? What is the company culture like? I feel like it would be a fun place to work because you can always talk about sports with people (sports is one of my favorite topics to talk about.) I especially love talking about the 49ers and the Warriors! #sports #work #entertainment #broadcast-television #espn

answer icon4 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconSan Jose
undefined's avatar
JordanMay 18, 20161015 views

What should be some steps I should have to take to get closer to accomplishing my dream of becoming a Sports Analyst for a major company ?

I am currently a junior in high school and I want to become a sports analyst when I grow up. I am interested in majoring in a college that has a very prestige journalism program. I Love sports and would love to further my career and future involving something sports related. #career #sports #journalism #broadcast-journalism #broadcast-television

answer icon2 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconDayton
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MitchelMay 09, 20161934 views

How can I get experience in sports broadcasting over summer before college starts?

I am going to school for sports broadcasting and would like some background in it. #broadcast-media #broadcast-television #broadcast #radio-broadcasting

answer icon6 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconColumbus
undefined's avatar
MitchelMay 09, 20161514 views

How can a sports broadcaster be noticed by bigger networks?

I want to get into broadcasting and I want to make it big. #broadcast-media #broadcast-television #broadcast #radio-broadcasting

answer icon4 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconColumbus
undefined's avatar
LatavisMay 05, 20161156 views

What college courses do I need to take in order to become a video game designer

Because I want to be a video game designer #art #design #film-production #broadcast-television #television-production #audio-editing #copy-editing

answer icon2 answers
Active Apr 10, 2024
location iconRockingham
undefined's avatar
BitotaJun 26, 20157986 views

What should you major in if you want to be a T.V Show Host or an on air personality?

I am asking this question because I am really interested in going into a career within these fields and I want to prepare myself in college. Thank you for listening! Hope you have a great day. #college #communications #communication #television #broadcast-television #telecommunications

answer icon22 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconSan Francisco
undefined's avatar
KristinaDec 15, 20142316 views

What is the best part about being a radio and television announcer?

I am very interested in becoming a radio or television announcer. I am a senior and off to college in the fall to a four year liberal arts school. I will be taking a few classes in college for business and communications. I am thrilled and interred with the behind the scenes of radio and TV production. I know the amazing different events that one travels to and takes part in, but I was wondering what is the best part? #television #broadcast-television #radio #radio-broadcasting #radio-host

answer icon3 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconNorthfield