Career questions tagged social-justice

What are some good minors to pair with a major in criminal justice?
I've been thinking of other minors besides psychology and I'd like to know some beneficial ones.

How do I pursue a career in journalism?
I'm 17, going to be a senior this fall, and I've been passionate about the field of journalism and social justice since I was very young. While I love the field, I know they make little to no money, especially because I want to be an independent journalist that covers dangerous topics later in my career. Where should I start? #Spring23

How to make money in advocating for accessibility?
How to make money fighting for disability rights like accessible technologies Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

How do I actually get into top tier schools?
Hi! I am aiming for top tier schools. I am a current freshman, 4.0 GPA. I do student council and mock trial. This year I took one AP and advanced class, next year I will be taking 3-4 AP classes. I am interested in zoology, pediatrics, youth advocacy, law, and government. What can I be doing to get into a good university? (Are my EC’s enough? I know I don’t have music or a sport)

I cannot decide what to do to school for art or social work
I am pretty decent in social studies and English/Laguage arts I don't like not knowing how to decide on a focus. I seem to be good with people when I'm looked up to. But I like art to communicate my emotional inner world. Lack confidence for sure. Negative thinker. Gives more of self. Always sorry. But at least I'm not boring. Or so I think People like me? Goal and risk taker. Can't make money or save. Living day to day I'm gay Away from keyboard Still 🤔 #social #social-skills #licensed #social-justice #licensed #social-services #social-skills

What are some jobs related to social justice?
I've come to realize that my only passion is social justice, especially for lgbtq and poc. I do also have a desire to help people and a knack for writing. However I feel like I would not thrive on one-on-one work like becoming a councelor because it feels too personal and too much pressure, like I would be devestated if I failed someone. Do you think I could be satisfied with some specific career in politics, law, psych research, or something that helps spread awareness? #social-justice #lawyer #psychology #politics #political-science #law #criminal-justice

How do I learn about public policy as a social work student?
I'm interested in doing public policy and community organizing in the future, but I'm currently a social work student. There are only 2 classes about policy for social work, and I completed one with not a lot learned. I am pursuing a political science minor, but there are no classes on policy writing or analysis. I am a member of a few political-oriented student organizations at my college, but we don't have lots of info about policy and how it works. What programs are available to teach me more about public policy? Are there any online resources available for undergraduate students? #social-work #policy #politics #political-science #social-justice

What are some careers available in social justice and social activism for immigration? Do I have to become an immigration lawyer to help?
I'm currently a high school senior on my way to college. And immigration is a topic I'm passionate about. I'm very interested in pursuing a career in social justice that will improve and impact the lives of immigrants living within our country. I know that many people tend to pursue careers in immigration law. But I was wondering if there are any other careers outside of law that could help the cause. I'm not sure if I have what it takes to become a lawyer. I also love math and foreign languages. So, what would be a good language to learn if I were to go into immigration, besides Spanish? (I'm bilingual.) Thanks! #immigration #immigration-law #social-work #social-justice #foreign-languages #activism #activists #non-profit #humanitarian #human-rights rights

What are some good choices for majors in college if I want to make an impact in my lifetime regarding he many social issues at the forefront in our society today, mainly human sex trafficking and the issue surrounding global internal displacement ?
I want my time in school to be spent learning how l can make a difference and have an impact in the world I live in. I want to live my life knowing I am helping to make the world a better place. #social-justice #social-activism #political-science #sociology

What is the difference between a Psychologist and a Psychiatrist?
I'm interested in these fields, but I just want to know which is which. #social-work #social-services #social-justice

What is the difference between a court judge and justice?
I was wondering about the difference between the two. #criminal-justice #justice #judge #social-justice

What is the career path to take to become a court judge or justice?
I am interested in this career. #law #criminal-justice #justice #judge #social-justice

What is the day-to-day routine of a court judge or justice?
I was curious about this career. #criminal-justice #justice #social-justice #judiciary