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Jocelyn Meza’s Avatar

Jocelyn Meza

Immigration Specialist
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
San Francisco, California
3 Answers
20319 Reads
11 Karma

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Alexander’s Avatar
Alexander Sep 20, 2024 2494 views

What are some good suggestions for starter jobs?

What are some good suggestions for starter jobs? I’m looking for roles that don’t require a lot of experience but still help me build important skills. Maybe retail or customer service jobs, where I can practice communication and problem-solving? Internships or part-time positions in fields I’m...

Mike’s Avatar
Mike Sep 20, 2024 1957 views

How do I select a career for myself?

How do I find out what career to go for

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Sep 19, 2024 15953 views

I want to work with kids, but not as a teacher or in the medical field. Ideas?

I am looking for a career that involves working with children in some way, but is not teaching or in the medical field. I enjoy working with kids and am very good at it, however am struggling to find a field of study fit for me. Any ideas would be much appreciated!!