Nicole’s Career Goals
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What websites offer a good platform for networking other than LinkedIn?
I am looking to network with professionals and am wondering if there are sites other than LinkedIn that can offer these opportunities? #business #networking #social-networking #network #business-networking

What does a Virtual Assistant do?
What duties does a VA cover and what skills are required for this job? #business #business-owner #assistants #va #virtual-assistant

What skills are most useful or desired for a job in Human Resources?
What skills are most applicable for a job in HR and what skills are employers looking for? #business #human-resources #hr #hr-consulting

How much knowledge of finance is required to work in Human Resources?
What extent of knowledge of finance is required in order to handle compensation duties in HR? What skills should I look to acquire in finance in order to get a job in HR? #business #human-resources #hr #hr-consulting

What is the difference between working in Human Resources for a specific company and HR consulting?
What is different about working in house for a company and working for a consulting firm? Has anyone worked in both roles and is able to compare and contrast the two? #business #human-resources #consulting #hr #hr-consulting

How can you get started in Human Resources if you do not have a degree in Business?
If you have a bachelor's degree in a field other than business, how can you enter into the business field? What are good jobs to start at in order to make this transition? #business #human-resources #hr #graduated

What qualifies as professional experience when applying to Business School?
A requirement for some graduate business programs is a minimum of two years of professional experience but what type of jobs qualify as this? Can a part-time job fulfill this requirement? #college #business #graduate-school #graduate-programs #business-school

What do you do in Human Resources?
What are the responsibilities of someone working in HR and what can you expect your day to look like? #business #human-resources #hr #hr-consulting

What careers are suitable for someone that majored in Cognitive Science?
I am majoring in Cognitive Science and am curious what job opportunities are out there for someone with my degree. #college-major #college-jobs #cognitive-psychology #cognitive-science #cognition

What education is recommended for a career in Human Resources?
I am looking to pursue a career in HR and am currently completing by Bachelor's and am wondering if I should be considering graduate studies in Business, possibly an MBA? #business #business-management #business-development #business-analysis #business-intelligence #hr #hr-consulting...