Career questions tagged graduated
How can you get started in Human Resources if you do not have a degree in Business?
If you have a bachelor's degree in a field other than business, how can you enter into the business field? What are good jobs to start at in order to make this transition? #business #human-resources #hr #graduated
How do I weigh my options?
I've got so much going on right now, I've been wanting a career in biology or just some kind of life science for so long but I've also been in the orchestra since I was 8 years old. My high school has won best orchestra in Texas every year ever since I joined, 3 years in a row. And so now I've thought of considering music major over some kind of life science major, but I really just split. I have enough going on looking for jobs and don't find the time to actually weigh my options. Although now it's Thanksgiving Break and I have the time, but now that I think about it, I don't exactly know how to weigh it or what to think about. #graduated #empoleyed
Is it worth the extra year to find a Co-op?
Every college I have visited has talked about the amazing Co-op program they offer for engineering students. Co-op programs seem to have greater success for the student as opposed to internships that only last the summer. If I decide to do a Co-op, will that affect my cost to attend that college since it adds a fifth year to my schooling? Also, what is the likelihood that company will offer me a job once I graduate? #graduated #co-op
How do you write grants to help pay for college?
I want to learn how to write grants to help pay for college. #college #graduated #grant #grant-writing #college-applications #scholarships
What career are available for an archaeologist?
I'm fascinated by archaeology but wonder if there really are jobs after graduation. #in #archeology #graduated