Camari’s Career Goals
Psychology in children/Teens helping with addiction or neglected children.
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What is the best way to prepare for the SAT ? How can I find scholarships? How can I manage my time better?
I'm a sophomore I just want additional advice such as websites and helpful links that are preferably free courses to help me prepare to get the best score possible. I've also been really searching for scholarships and I haven't caught any I'm passionate on preferably things with writing or...

I'm a sophomore in high-school and now that i'm getting closer to college I'm realizing my choice of career path seemed to broad and i'd like to have a career as child-advocate lawyer things such as helping troubled children or children/teens in dangerous situations or mental well being Harvard had always been the number one university for me because it's the best law school In the U.S I knew I didn't want to pursue a career in criminal law so now that I'm really looking into it I'm not even sure if Harvard is the right way to go anymore do I pursue a career in psychology? or a specific major relating to it and I'm struggling to find which college would be the best choice for me concerning the career path I'm passionate about as I'm not entirely sure anymore. I've always wanted to go to an ivy league because I thought it would be the best option. Harvard has always been a top choice but Yale has found it's way into my choices as well. Now that I'm navigating my career path I'm not sure if there are the right choices or not or if these colleges have what I need them to offer?
I just want to make the right choices for me and realizing my choices were too broad and that I needed to be very specific with what I want to pursue in my career path I want to start thinking about these choices now so I can meet the criteria for my college though I am undecided as of now.