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Julia’s Avatar


Elk River, Minnesota
5 Questions
251 Karma

Julia’s Career Goals

I want to explore careers that are in tune with my interests and are creative as well as make a substantial amount of money to support myself when I move out. I also want to get a cat when I get my own place.



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Julia’s Avatar
Julia Oct 04, 2024 552 views

What is the best way to manage your career with our hobbies and your personal life?

I have this fear that when I get a job it will take up all my time and I will never be able to pursue different hobbies or go any where or see anybody because I will always be at work.

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Julia Oct 03, 2024 930 views

What are careers that make good money that include crafts or art?

Hi, my name is Julia and I really like making things with my hands like iris folding cards or bead earrings but I am also really worried that if I go into that path all the jobs will be low pay and unsteady which are things I am trying to avoid. I really want my future to be stable especially...

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Julia Oct 03, 2024 631 views

What are different careers that and involved in theatre and acting?

I am 15 and theatre is one of the hobbies that I have. I am wondering what careers are in this direction.

Julia’s Avatar
Julia Oct 03, 2024 292 views

What are career options that allow me to put my hobbies into my job?

I am a sophomore in high school and my hobbies include, minecraft, calligraphy, crafts, choir, theatre, and other video games. I have no idea what I want to do and don't know where to start but I don't want to end up with boring numbers and logistics jobs, though I can do those things I don't...

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Julia Oct 03, 2024 400 views

What are factors that would help me decide on a career?

I am a sophomore in high school and I don't really know anything about what career I want. Where should I start?