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David Nutty’s Avatar

David Nutty

Sales and Related Occupations
Dublin, County Dublin
3 Answers
1070 Reads
1 Karma

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Sahil’s Avatar
Sahil Sep 25 1634 views

Is software testing replace with AI??

I use chatgpt and analysis my behaviour for career and it's suggest me that software testing suit me and enjoy but I fear that ai will replace my job. Is any one share idea about this things? If no how and where I can start ? Please help me

Kieran’s Avatar
Kieran Apr 04 1345 views

How can I do both computer science and sales/marketing?

I want to know how to be a well rounded individual that knows how to program technology and also know how to sell that technology whether it be in person or online.

GURUNAGU Sep 10 1654 views

what are the best career opportunities I can look for in IT?

i am guru. i was a tekla steel detailer for 6 years,finished masters in IT recently and have a little knowledge of SQL,.net and python. what are the best opportunities I can grab.