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Abinaya Jeyakrishnan’s Avatar

Abinaya Jeyakrishnan

Solution Engineer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
2 Answers
348 Reads
11 Karma

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Andrea’s Avatar
Andrea Oct 09 259 views

Engineering Degree?

I am interesting in studying an engineering degree, but I'm not sure what specific field, how can I choose?

Rebecca’s Avatar
Rebecca Oct 11 564 views

Can a U.S. college degree qualify you for relevant jobs in European countries or do most European countries require degrees from their country?

I've been learning about several different European countries and I am potentially thinking about moving to one of them. But, if a degree from the U.S. won't get me any jobs in my field, it'll impact whether I want to study abroad or choose not to move there at all.