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Baixin’s Avatar


San Francisco, California
3 Questions
122 Karma

Baixin’s Career Goals

I want to accepted into a college that have high qulity of advanced mathematics, It can provide support to me to became a math teach in the further.

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Baixin Dec 17 243 views

Besides math skills, what other skills help me to be a math teacher?

I am a junior student, I want through learn more skill to help me to be math teacher in further.

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Baixin Oct 30 57 views

What courses can help me improve my math skills so that I can become a math teacher in the future?

I am a junior in high school and interested at Advanced Mathematics of college because my further career is to be a math teacher. It will helpful for me.

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Baixin Oct 09 642 views

What skill are useful for me to select college major about computer science I am studying the code in ap computer science, would it useful for my college major??

I want to know what skill about computer science are require in college.