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Jeremy Lin’s Avatar

Jeremy Lin

Procurement Manager
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
3 Answers
490 Reads
1 Karma
Cecilia’s Avatar
Cecilia Mar 08 502 views

Is being a flight attendent too demanding?

I want to be a flight attendent and travel but I don't want it to be too demanding and it not be my passion anymore

Ivan’s Avatar
Ivan Oct 07 237 views

What careers can engineering get you into?

I am currently a junior in High School and am planning to finish AP CSP, CSA, AP Stats, AP Calc BC, all math related courses that can help with my future if I choose to pursue a engineering/computer science pathway or maybe even change my mind. I am planning to get into a 4 year UC university.

Riley’s Avatar
Riley Oct 10 331 views

What are science and engineering majors I can get at the same time that can be used together for a job or that can be used for more job opportunities ?

I am not too worried about the workload of this just more so whether or not it would be worthwhile to do.