Luke’s Career Goals
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What do I have to be in a good college to play for the NFL?
I want to be in the NFL but am not too smart #football #sports #professional-sports #college

Does it cost money to become a player in the NFL?
Do you need to pay to be in the NFL? If so, who would you be paying? Taxi drivers have to buy a license to drive, and then they get to earn money -- is that how it works in the NFL or do the players get paid to play without having to pay anything back? [This question was edited by an admin to...

do you have to have all A in high school to go to College
i want to go to College #higher-education

so how do you get a good job a McDonald's
so how do you get a good job a McDonald's #higher-education

so what is the best career to get money
so what is the best career to get money #higher-education

How would I become an engineer?
Here's what I have heard so far: 1. Earn a bachelor's degree in engineering from a school accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) 2. Pass the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) examination. 3. Complete at least four years of engineering experience....

How do you get into the NFL as a professional athlete?
Here's what I have heard so far: At the end of your Junior year of college, every player is offered a chance to leave college and sign up for the pro-draft. If you accept, your college career is over, and you may be drafted to an NFL team. If you decline, you can try again after your Senior...