Career questions tagged work-study

How can I work abroad after completing O-levels and prepare for A-levels in May/June 2025?
What are the procedures for going to Dubai or Qatar to work after completing my O-levels, and are there job opportunities available for students in these countries? Additionally, how can I effectively plan my studies to complete my A-levels by May/June 2025?

Is having a job during college normal?
I would need a source of income during college to pay for my education and I was wondering if it is normal/feasible to have jobs while in college.

What exactly is work study/How does it work?
I am an incoming freshman who is potentially going to UCSD in the fall of 2022(majoring in Computer Science). Even though my scholarships and financial aid covered everything for me, I still want to have back ups, like having a job or doing work study. Therefore, I want to know how does work study work in UCSD(if not, in general)? Is it worth it? Is it better to get a job/internship or do work study?

Is it hard to do work-study in freshman year?
Especially as a student athlete I'm wondering if I'll really have much time aside from classes, practice, and work. #work #athlete #work-study #freshman

What year to most people start work-study programs under an architecture degree?
I want to know if I would be able to reasonably pay for (i.e. half of tuition at average price college) and live off of a work-study program while in college. Also would I be able to do this starting my first year in college (I don't have my AA yet so I would be studying for that my first year). #work-study #architecture #work #architect #college-advice #tuition #associatesdegree

How do you apply for Federal Work Study
I am very interested in applying for Federal Work Study to help pay for college, but I don't really know anything about it. #work-study #federal-work-study #pay-for-college

What strategies help to balance school and a part time job in college?
I am a high school student who will be going to college soon. Depending on where I go, I may need a part time job to afford tuition and living expenses. Past or present working undergraduates, how hard has it been to balance school with work and what are some strategies that would make life manageable as a working student? #college #time-management #happiness #work-study

Can someone explain federal work study for me? Also can they elaborate on which universities offer this option.
I've heard the term mentioned briefly in passing and I wanted to understand what it means exactly and how this can benefit me. It would also be wonderful if someone could provide a list of universities that support federal work study or work study in general. #university #financial-aid #federal-work-study #work-study