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Amaya’s Avatar


Rochester, Minnesota
5 Questions
168 Karma

Amaya’s Career Goals

Student has not yet added Career Goals Statement



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Amaya’s Avatar
Amaya 2 days ago 224 views

When you finished nursing school would you say finding a job in The mental health field was hard? ?

I'm doing a project related to careers I'm interested in and was wondering if it realistic.

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Amaya 2 days ago 500 views

When you first entered the mental health care field, what was the most shocking thing you experienced ?

I'm doing a research project on a job I'm interested in and what to know what to expect .

Amaya’s Avatar
Amaya 2 days ago 66 views

As a PMH or mental health professional What do you Think the best way to connect to patients is ? ?

I'm doing a research project for jobs I'm interested in and was wondering what you felt helped the best when connecting with patients.

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Amaya 2 days ago 73 views

As a PMH or mental health professionals What do you think the most important part of your job is? ?

I'm doing a research project o careers I'm interested in and was wondering whats it like.

Amaya’s Avatar
Amaya 2 days ago 49 views

As a PMH what words would you use to best describe your day ?

I'm doing a research project around a career I am interested in, and want to know more.