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Luya Zhang’s Avatar

Luya Zhang

Assurance Associate
Boston, Massachusetts
4 Answers
1458 Reads
1 Karma

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Lynn’s Avatar
Lynn Nov 30, 2024 927 views

How can I achieve my dream?

Im lynn in grade 11 . I would like to be an accountant when I grow up. I also love reading storybooks .I will appreciate if I get an advice concerning my career

Alyanna’s Avatar
Alyanna Nov 21, 2024 738 views

Does university prestige matter in the Accouting industry?

I was recently accepted through Early Action to Western Washington University (WWU), an accredited university in my state with a 93% acceptance rate. I decided not to apply to the University of Washington (UW) because I knew I lacked the extracurricular activities and how hard it was to get...

Purity’s Avatar
Purity Nov 25, 2024 566 views

How can I be an accountant?

I would like to be an accountant . I inquire what is expected of me in order to achieve this dream . I also would like to know the grades that I should have in order to become an accountant.thank you