Leilani’s Career Goals
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Any courses for learning HTML, CSS and Javascript?
Hello again! Coming on here to ask for some recommendations with any programs/websites that deal with web design. I'm looking for one that preferably guides me through making a website, while also having some visuals to it. Specifically, HTML, CSS and Javascript. If there's any flexbox...

Where to start with 3D modeling and learning the basics?
Hello again! From the responses I had on my last question, I'm finding a lot of really helpful resources on here to use! To start off, I've been interested in learning 3D modeling, but I have no idea where to even start! I have found multiple tutorials online, but the only issue I have is that...

Looking for online courses that deal with concept art/art fundamentals?
Saw a post that asked for recommendations, and I wanted to ask mine here! I'm 17 and looking for classes or courses (free preferred, but anything priced is okay under 100$) that deal with concept art or art fundamentals in general. I'm currently taking an anatomy course off of Udemy, as well...