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Scott Vollmoeller’s Avatar

Scott Vollmoeller

Mechanical Consulting Engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Bellevue, Washington
4 Answers
1087 Reads
1 Karma

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Owen’s Avatar
Owen Feb 20 766 views

How should I decide on one college major/future career when I have multiple in mind?

I am a sophomore in high school and I want to major in something along the lines of engineering and welding. Some careers I'm interested in include auto body welder, powertrain engineer, and aeronautical engineer. How should I decide on which one would be the most supportive for me financially...

Kimberly’s Avatar
Kimberly Feb 10 584 views

What influenced you to pursue Engineering? What were the obstacles of becoming an Engineer? Can you tell me about the types of tasks you are responsible for on a day-to-day basis? What do you enjoy most about your career? What are some skills and personality traits necessary to perform your job? What are some misconceptions about your career? Where did you start from?

This is for Engineers, and it's something I've been wondering about these things for some time now, please help!! I want to know if it's something I should pursue.

Ryan’s Avatar
Ryan Feb 06 806 views

What is the weirdest bulding ever built in America?

Tallest building?

Johan’s Avatar
Johan Jan 22 1056 views

Mechanical Engineers!

Hi, please share any experiences about being one in the field for future M.E?
It would be greatly appreciated.