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Celeste Roberts’s Avatar

Celeste Roberts

Physical Therapist Assistant
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Monroe, North Carolina
2 Answers
3229 Reads
1 Karma

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Josie’s Avatar
Josie May 16, 2024 2465 views

What job would be good if looking to go back to school to become a PTA ?

I currently hold a bachelors degree in health and movement studies. I am looking to become a physical therapist assistant. I’ll need to go back to school for it, but currently I am in need for a job. What careers should i be looking at if PTA is what I want to do at the end of the road?

Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua Oct 28, 2024 4917 views

What skills or experiences have been most valuable to you as a physical therapist?

What skills or experiences have been valuable you through school and in the job field?