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Albert Giannone, M.D’s Avatar

Albert Giannone, M.D

Retired physician/former pharmacist
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Center Moriches, New York
13 Answers
12303 Reads
31 Karma

Active Locations

Coleton’s Avatar
Coleton Mar 21 520 views

Are these sufficient enough classes for my career interests?

How is everyone? Hello, Y'all I have a question. I am an aspiring doctor who is a freshman in high school. My current High School course plan includes these classes I have a choice in taking (not English): 10th Grade (Algebra 2 A, Chemistry A, Government+Economics H, Marketing A, IB Physics A)....

Mert’s Avatar
Mert Mar 13 1773 views

Which university should someone who wants to study Biology and then attend medical school choose?

I am a high school senior living in Virginia, and I aspire to become a doctor. I have received my college admissions results, and I have been accepted to the following schools: George Mason University James Madison University Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) University of Washington I...

Mahaswetha’s Avatar
Mahaswetha Mar 14 1766 views

How can I find remote internships for pre-med as a junior?

I am a 11th grader and I am struggling to find summer opportunities that are free and look valuable on my resume. As college applications approach, I feel the need to strengthen my resume.

auna’s Avatar
auna Mar 09 2154 views

What can I do as a freshman in high school to help with one day becoming a pediatrician? And how does my GPA and SAT score need to look for me to qualify?

I am 14 and a student athletic trainer at my school, and im a member in HOSA.

Gabriella’s Avatar
Gabriella Mar 07 2898 views

What can I during high school to prepare myself for the major of Nursing?

I specifically want to have a career of being a NICU Nurse.

Compassion’s Avatar
Compassion Mar 06 1330 views

People who chose medicine over a career in art, how are you?

This is specific and just mostly out of curiosity. I have a strong passion for art, drawing, and literature, but I enjoy learning about health and medicine. In a world without money, I would doodle and read all day, however, I know that if I had to make a living out of it, it would probably...

Juliette’s Avatar
Juliette Mar 04 251 views

Would there be any benefit in a philosophy minor as a pre-med?

As a high school student wanting to pursue medicine but also having a love for humanities, particularly an interest in philosophy. i have considered doing a minor but with the demands of being a pre-med student I do not know if this would be the right decision as it could be a "waste of time".

Solah’s Avatar
Solah Mar 04 1285 views

What part-time jobs should I take as a high schooler going into pharmacology?

I am a rising senior (18y) and want to become a pharmaceutical physician. I want to take a part time job or intern at a pharmacy, but I do not have license for an official pharm technician. What kind of job can I do?

Danielle’s Avatar
Danielle Nov 05, 2024 5133 views

What do doctors think about assisted suicide in regards to their patients ?

As a student in bioethics and as someone who would like to pursue medicine, I am always intrigued by the argument behind euthanasia and assisted suicide with patients. I am curious to know what the common consensus is among doctors.

Gracen’s Avatar
Gracen Feb 18 992 views

What is a good way to narrow down jobs I don't like and truly find one I enjoy?

I have been wondering for a long time for a job that I will really enjoy doing for the rest of my life. I used to want to be a nurse, but have discovered that it isn't the job for me. Now I have been sort of thinking about being a dental hygienist, again but I still don't know if I will really...

Girls’s Avatar
Girls Feb 10 990 views

What is Anatomy ?

What should I know abort this before hitting my high school? I live doctor. I heard this subject a lot.

Cheeky’s Avatar
Cheeky Feb 08 2380 views

"What are some effective ways to gain clinical experience before applying to medical school" ?

Any tips and skills to gain

Cheeky’s Avatar
Cheeky Feb 08 3817 views

How is being a medical student like?

Is medicine hard to pursue? Is being a medical student tough?