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Mary Kaupp’s Avatar

Mary Kaupp

Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Atlanta, Georgia
4 Answers
1487 Reads
21 Karma

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Ange Lorry’s Avatar
Ange Lorry Jan 14 1031 views

What are the steps to having a successful accounting career after college ?

I know that you have to get your cpa and I’m planning to do that. I’ve also heard that you could work at a big 4 for about two years before transferring out. What else can you do apart from starting at a big 4 or is that the only way to get your foot in the door?

Gavin’s Avatar
Gavin Feb 18 612 views

How can I accomplish my goals while maintaining balance in my life?

I am busy with sports like basketball and golf, but I still want to get good grades, enjoy family time, and also have some time to myself.

Gracen’s Avatar
Gracen Feb 18 643 views

How do I know If being a dental hygienist is a job that I will enjoy doing?

I am a sophomore in high school. I enjoy playing sports and I am also very social. I have recently considered being a dental hygienist but don't know if it is something that suits me.

Genevieve’s Avatar
Genevieve Feb 09 2018 views

How did you earn the 150 credits to be eligible for the CPA exam ?

Did you get your bachelor's then master's degree, or did you get the 150 credits through a 5 year bachelor's degree program. What where the pros and cons of your path, and what did you like/dislike about it?