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Lisa Rodriguez’s Avatar

Lisa Rodriguez

Registered nurse
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Catonsville, Maryland
8 Answers
2557 Reads
31 Karma

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Kimberly’s Avatar
Kimberly Mar 12 2131 views

What is the hardest part of being in the process of becoming a RN?

I Need Help Preparing Myself mentally

Kimberly’s Avatar
Kimberly Mar 15 3464 views

What universities offer a nursing major?

What universities offer a nursing major?

What universities in California offer the option to take a nursing major? How many types of nurses do they offer?

Mahazabin’s Avatar
Mahazabin Mar 02 1110 views

What should I do for my career?

Hello everyone, I don't know what to do with my life now, what should I study to get a degree? I like solving math problems, but I got the lowest marks in my higher secondary exams. My parents want me to do nursing. But my brain for memorization is very bad. I don't know what to study, what to...

Compassion’s Avatar
Compassion Mar 06 1330 views

People who chose medicine over a career in art, how are you?

This is specific and just mostly out of curiosity. I have a strong passion for art, drawing, and literature, but I enjoy learning about health and medicine. In a world without money, I would doodle and read all day, however, I know that if I had to make a living out of it, it would probably...

Choo’s Avatar
Choo Mar 05 877 views

Hi, so I have decided on going towards being a child doctor but I kind of don't know where to start?

I enjoy spending time with children and I have even wrote a few short stories which were inspired by my own little cousins. I never really have my own siblings and as only child I enjoy being with kids and I have thought of taking this doctor path but I am not sure where to start.

Ariana’s Avatar
Ariana Dec 04, 2024 450 views

What does a day in the life of a registered nurse look like?

What is a registered nurse life look like everyday?

Gracen’s Avatar
Gracen Feb 18 992 views

What is a good way to narrow down jobs I don't like and truly find one I enjoy?

I have been wondering for a long time for a job that I will really enjoy doing for the rest of my life. I used to want to be a nurse, but have discovered that it isn't the job for me. Now I have been sort of thinking about being a dental hygienist, again but I still don't know if I will really...

Markoda’s Avatar
Markoda Feb 18 573 views

What is one thing you love the most about your job, and what is one thing you dislike?

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