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3 Questions
281 Karma

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Lliana Apr 14, 2017 1040 views

Anyone with an Information Science major, what kind of job do you have and what is it like?

I'm interested in getting an IS major and I've already read what types of jobs you can get with it, but I don't know what these jobs are actually like. #career #career-counseling #career-choice #tech #information-science #job-descriptions

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Lliana Apr 13, 2017 4392 views

Can you become a web developer with an Information Science major?

I'm interested in getting an IS major but I'm not sure about the jobs you can get out of it (most searches end up as Information Technology or Information Systems). #tech #information-technology #web-development #information-systems #information-science #information-services

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Lliana Apr 13, 2017 1388 views

What kind of jobs can you get with an Information Science major and Studio Arts minor?

I'm in college and my major is currently undecided, but I'm interested in getting an IS major and SA minor. #computer #art #information-technology #artist #digital-art #information-systems #information-design #undecided