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Renee Marchol’s Avatar

Renee Marchol

New Media Storytelling Superhero Waiting to Join a League at Your Ad Agency
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Seattle, Washington
3 Answers
3652 Reads
31 Karma

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Nathan’s Avatar
Nathan Nov 30, 2016 1064 views

Is it worth it to pursue an advanced degree in business?

I am interested in the pursuing business in college and want to know if the major is required to get a job in business/marketing. #business #marketing

Katie’s Avatar
Katie Jan 30, 2017 1517 views

How do I start in a career?

Hello, I am a recent graduate and I have various skills in design, media, research, and web. Despite this, I am a beginner within all of these fields and I can't tell which career I should enter into or how. A lot of these jobs require a lot of experience. While I am very good and a hardworker,...

Gabriella’s Avatar
Gabriella Oct 24, 2016 1381 views

is it hard to find a job from an Entertainment Business major?

i want to under go the Entertainment Business major to hopefully work in the entertainment field #entertainment #entertainment-industry #entertainment-marketing #music-entertainment