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leanne’s Avatar


San Francisco, California
4 Questions
141 Karma

leanne’s Career Goals

I want to do something in the medical field

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leanne Mar 18 271 views

what are some good internships that are med related?

I'm a senior at high school

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leanne Mar 18 90 views

what are some tips to not procrastinate homework and studying?

I'm going to college next year and I would like to make sure I get my work done in a timely manner but I always struggle with completing work on time, what are some useful tips?

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leanne Mar 18 239 views

how should I prepare as a high school senior for my future in med, specifically for an anesthesiologist?

internships, degrees, tips?

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leanne Mar 10 806 views

How should I navigate choosing a college right for me?

I'm going into college in the fall