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Orlando, Florida
2 Questions
111 Karma

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Sanvhi 19 hours ago 1290 views

Nonprofit/Organization, Awards, Challenges?

Hello! I am currently a freshman in high school, and my interest lay mainly in architecture and business (specifically hospitality), as I want to create my own hotel brand. In addition to this, I have always wanted to create a nonprofit, or other assisting organization that could assist...

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Sanvhi Mar 20 3258 views

Florida Orlando local hotel internship/project opportunities/What are the best colleges for BOTH architecture and hospitality business?

Hi! I am currently a freshman in high school and am interested in architecture and business, specifically hospitality. I have always enjoyed both 3-D design and also hotels, and have dreamed of working and creating my own hotel chain one day. I was wondering if there are any current hotel...