June Reed CPA
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How do you get past the struggles in life to be successful?
As a college student, there is always something that gets in your way. It could be making bad decisions, making wrong decisions, or just messing up. Sometimes it gets hard to get pass the struggles when there are problems hitting you from left and right that are always there to test you....

Best markets to break into?
I will be graduating with my associates degree soon, and then will be finishing up a few classes to earn my associates in business as well. I would like to know which field of business is best to pursue once I graduate that will allow me to utilize my degrees. #graduation #classof2020 #degree...

What is the best way to present yourself in a resume if you have a mentaI diagnosis which previously inhibited your loyalty to a company and you jumped from job to job?
I had a very difficult time staying at one job because I could not focus on my work and actually needed to multiple things at one time to keep myself in check. I was a great multi-tasker, but the job would soon bore me and I would not be able to do it without feeling severe anxiety. I only...