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Silver Spring, Maryland
4 Questions
421 Karma

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Thomas’s Avatar
Thomas Jun 06, 2017 1563 views

Why is it good to have a company sponsored retirement plan?

I would like to know why it is so amazing to have a company sponsored retirement plan, and some benefits. #computer-software #computer #video-games #computer-games #video-game-design #video-production #video-game-development #video-game-production #career-details

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Thomas Jun 01, 2017 1472 views

Why would it be a good idea to become a video game designer?

I want to know a few good reasons that would support the career choice of becoming a video game designer. #computer-software #computer #software #video-games #software-development #computer-games #video-production #career-details

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Thomas May 26, 2017 1276 views

What is the formal education needed for becoming a video game designer?

I want to know what type of education you need to become a video game designer and what courses are recommended. #computer-science #computer-software #computer #video-games #computer-games #video-game-design #video-game-development #career-details

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Thomas May 25, 2017 1206 views

What life style choices might you have to take to be a video game designer?

I want to know what choices in life would be good choices to become a video game designer. #computer-science #computer-software #video-games #software-engineering #software-development #video-game-design #video-production #career-details