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Mariana Talos’s Avatar

Mariana Talos

BBA-ACCT, CFCI, Fluent Romanian, interpreter
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
3 Answers
6602 Reads
1 Karma

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Abdulwahab’s Avatar
Abdulwahab Jan 14, 2017 1225 views

How quickly is the Finance field growing?

How quickly is the Finance field growing? #business #finance #accounting #financial-analysis

Alicia’s Avatar
Alicia May 18, 2016 4813 views

What types of careers can I do if I major in accounting besides a CPA?

I know I like numbers and math. I have only read about traditional accounting jobs. #career #accounting #math #accountant

Kate’s Avatar
Kate May 12, 2016 1273 views

To what extent is accounting an international job?

I would like to know if I could find an accounting job that incorporates traveling the world. #accounting