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How do you decide what type of engineering best fits you?
I am a Jr. in high school. I think engineering is pretty cool but there are just SO MANY TYPES.

What are flexible jobs that a beginner actress can obtain when they are on their down time
I am an aspiring actress. I would like to be able to juggle both jobs because I am worried about working at my job and getting called for an audition. #actor #actress #beginner #flexibility

What should I study?
Bachelors of Computer Engineering or Bachelor of Engineering In Information Technology? #computer

Is there room for expression if you pursue a career in the field of journalism?
I'm a high school Junior and I enjoy writing and photography and feel like journalism is a good way to incorporate both. #journalism #writing

Difference between studying Information Technology and Computer engineering?
I'm really confused in these two terms, which will be good to study? how hard is it to study, do i need to take extra classes for software development if i choose CE?
why should i study IT or CE
thankyou in advance :) #computer

I don't know what to major in
I was really thinking of majoring in Voice but I might just minor in it. However I don't know what to major in. Every career test I take tells me to major in Visual Arts :/ I like writing, cheerleading, dance and makeup. I really don't know where that puts me in. If there are any majors that...

What are the pros and cons of becoming an entrepreneur?
I want to know everything about this career before I fully invest into it. I love the aspect of business, but I hate working for somebody. #entrepreneurship #entrepreneur #ceo #startups

To run and own a business how much college is advised? Masters, bachelor?
I am interested in running my own business some day and just want to know what it's going to take to be successful. #entrepreneurship #masters #buisness #bachelor #enterprise #franchise-leadership

Scholarships, I'm scared
I'm looking into scholarships, but i'm scared that i'm not going to be able to find one. I have seen a number of different scholarships and the requirements seem attainable, but i know that a number of people also compete for them. I'm also scared that i'm going to beaten in the process. Is...

Is it better to live at the school your attending, rent an apartment near them, or just live at your house?
I am really thinking about whether I should go to a college that is close to my house, so that I could live there, or if I shoukd just live at the school or near it, but being far away from where I live? #college-life #home

Does the age of the college or university make a difference to employers?
Does being a longer established school make a difference on how possible employers view you? #college #university

What are after school activities that I should do if I plan to study computer engineering in college
I've always wondered if Computer Engineering is for me.