Chi Ngo, CIA, CAMS

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As a college student, what sort of experiences would best prepare me for a career in consulting?
#internship #career #job #consulting

What do you find most enjoyable about your job
#accounting #business #financial-accounting

Which is better: continuing to work a job you've grown to dislike because it is advantageous for you career-wise, or finding a new job that you genuinely enjoy?
I've always believed that if you pursue a career you love, then you'll never work a day in your life, so I've followed my dreams and have always planned to pursue my passion, even if it might not result in the most high-paying job. This passion is writing. However, throughout the years, I've...

What kind of job opportunities will I have once I have an accounting degree?
I'm currently in college for accounting and considering being a CPA, but I was wondering if there are any other jobs that I might be interested in once I attain an accounting degree. #accounting

How to build up your confidence? How to be good at communicating with people?
Everyone would sort of encounters this kind of problem. For an introvert, how should we act to overcome the fear to communicate with people. Even though we did not mean something, but our timidity always prevent us from getting our message across. How to make introverts become confident?...