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New Orleans, Louisiana
3 Questions
106 Karma

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Torrey Sep 01, 2017 819 views

Is background knowledge necessary for becoming a chef ?

I am teen who was interested in becoming a chef but i rarely cook and I was wondering will they teach you basic cooking at a college course ? #chef #cooking

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Torrey Aug 31, 2017 1054 views

Is an game developers job hard ?

I love games so I always thought why not make them and play them. #video-games #game-design

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Torrey Aug 31, 2017 948 views

What are the college classes like for and graphics design major?

I'm asking because I was thinking about choosing that career as an major for when I go to college. I though why not ask someone who has went to college and graduated with and degree in that subject. #graphic-design #graphics