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Yuval Shavit’s Avatar

Yuval Shavit

Software Engineer at Sqrrl
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Cambridge, Massachusetts
5 Answers
15442 Reads
91 Karma


Civic Duty

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Bertha’s Avatar
Bertha Mar 10, 2016 2275 views

What type of careers involve writing, photography, design, and software engineering, but doesn't limit me to staying in an office most of the time.

I'm asking this because I'm interested in all of the topics I mentioned, but don't really know many of the careers out there that I can chose from. #engineering #science #technology #software #programming #math #writing #calculus

Ron’s Avatar
Ron Nov 07, 2014 2723 views

Programmers, which IDE do you use?

Currently I am using Sublime Text 3 although XCode can be used to edit JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Obj-C, etc.. files. I use ST3 because it is really slick and customizable. Do companies require you to use IDEs? If so, which IDE and is there a specific reason? If not, which IDE do you use? Is there...

Yash’s Avatar
Yash Jul 27, 2014 2264 views

I want to join computer industry as a programmer . Is it necessary for me to have skills for more than one programming language to be a successful professional ?

by skills I mean the the complete in and out of the language . Because currently I am learning complete C(including the hardware interaction part) and I feel like if other languages are going to be this deep than it would take me my whole life to learn them . #computer #software #programming...

Mimi’s Avatar
Mimi Aug 28, 2014 2567 views

Bilinguall; any job

A lot of people have been telling me that if you can speak another language, it will be better and easier, (and quicker) for me to get a job. Is that really true? I'm 16, and I just do not care where I work. I would like to get my CDA for early child development, but I am not sure of what to...

Alaysia’s Avatar
Alaysia Mar 26, 2014 3668 views

What does a typical journalist do in an average day?

I would LOVE to know how a typical journalist spends their day. Is it in an office? Or are you out and about researching for new stories to generate to the public? #journalism #careers #life #news-writing