Olivia’s Career Goals
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Is it possible to study specific disorders/syndromes in Neuroscience during undergrad years?
I'm really interested in majoring in Neuroscience and have heard about interesting syndromes and disorders like Savant Syndrome. I would love to be able to study this and I'd like to know if I have a chance to do that during my undergrad years. #JULY20 #neuroscience #college #research #study...

What are the best colleges for studying Neuroscience?
I'm a rising senior in high school and really interested in majoring in Neuroscience for college. Any schools strong in this subject? Preferably on the west coast? Thanks!
#college #neuroscience #JULY20 #biology

Are there any internships/volunteering for fields of Neuroscience in the Bay Area?
#bayarea #volunteer #internship #neuroscience #neuroscientist #biology

What is the difference between Neuroscience and Neurobiology?
#neuroscience #neurobiology #biology #neuroscientist #neurobiologist #psychology #cognitivescience

If I want to major in Neuroscience and had to choose between high school courses of AP Calc and AP Psych, which should I choose to get into colleges?
#neuroscience #college #neurosciencemajor #calculus #psychology #highschool

How can I get an internship for being a clinical microbiologist?
I'm a 9th grader in the Bay Area and very interested in being a clinical microbiologist. I would like to gain experience and knowledge with this field, and I think that an internship would really help. But I don't know how to find one ! #internship #clinical-microbiologist #microbiology

What does a work day of being a Clinical Microbiologist look like?
I'm a 9th grader and I have always loved science! I'm very curious in being a clinical microbiologist. I would like to know more about what they do, how to get to that position, and how I can gain more experience. #biology #microbiologist #microbiology #science #clinical-microbiologist