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New York, New York
7 Questions
646 Karma

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Clio’s Avatar
Clio May 14, 2019 691 views

What was your experience in applying for and choosing a master's degree program in STEM?

I am interested in pursuing a master's degree in Construction Engineering and Management after graduation, but I welcome those with different backgrounds in STEM and/or Management to respond! :) How did you go about looking for master's degree programs to apply to, and how difficult was the...

Clio’s Avatar
Clio May 13, 2019 1911 views

Do extracurricular activities during college really matter after graduating college? (i.e. in the workforce)

Does being a president of a student organization related to one's major at college matter 10 years after graduating college? Or is it just a sign of overachievement during college? (Apologies if these questions come across as offensive, I am genuinely curious about their answers. Thank you!)...

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Clio May 04, 2019 1011 views

How would you describe your experiences as a woman pursuing STEM in a sentence?

#stem #women-in-stem

Clio’s Avatar
Clio May 04, 2019 941 views

Did you ever feel like you had to prove your worth and capabilities in STEM to your peers and/or colleagues? How did you go about doing so?

As a STEM student (civil engineering major), I am constantly reminded about how important it is to stand out from my peers, whether in grades, extracurricular activities/leadership, internships, etc. I feel like going into a STEM education, I've only began realizing how competitive STEM fields...

Clio’s Avatar
Clio Apr 11, 2019 1143 views

How can I get into an operations research career in the construction industry?

I am a college sophomore now majoring in civil engineering, and by the end of this summer I would have completed 4 summer internships: 2 in construction project engineering/general contracting, and 2 in civil engineering research (specifically in environmental engineering/water resources and...

Clio’s Avatar
Clio Jan 16, 2018 762 views

Why did you become an engineer?

I am a civil engineering student, but I would be grateful for an answer from other fields of engineering as well. What made you choose engineering, and what made you decide to stick onto it throughout college and even after college? What was your terribly strong and persistent reason that made...

Clio’s Avatar
Clio Jan 16, 2018 1036 views

How do I know that I'm successful after I finish college?

I'm only a college freshman, but it's easy to tell that as students our factors of success are our transcript, test scores, extracurricular and volunteer experiences, internships and/or work experiences within our field of career, leadership, awards and honors. When we leave college, we're...