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Allentown, Pennsylvania
2 Questions
81 Karma

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Marisol Jan 16, 2018 820 views

How do you use time management for school home, work and family?

Working fulltime and going to school taking 2 classes per semester. How do you manage the time between school, work, home and family? Looking for better ways to manage my time with everything so nothing falls short and i am able to still do things with my family and everything else....

Marisol’s Avatar
Marisol Jan 16, 2018 1057 views

What is the best advise you can give for a student who is new to college that would like to apply for scholarships.

What is the best advise you can give for a student who is new to college that would like to apply for scholarships. How do you go about it and how do you know which ones are legit or not? Where do you start?
#scholarships #college #financial-aid #college-tuition