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Flagstaff, Arizona
2 Questions
116 Karma

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Stephen Jan 17, 2018 1028 views

How to be more social in college

I'm just asking this because I don't know how to outside of obvious reasons. I tried joining a Fraternity but it got too serious too fast. I also have Epilepsy which forbids me from alcohol and other substances. How do I manage to make and keep friends in college when all I find fare people...

Stephen’s Avatar
Stephen Jan 17, 2018 1344 views

Does Anyone have any advice on getting scholarships?

I'm already a freshman in College but might not be able to finish because my family and I don't make enough money to support me enough to finish. I'm worried that I won't be able to continue my education at this rate and feel like I am not that good compared to the rest of the competition out...