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Lemont, Illinois
2 Questions
86 Karma

Hanna’s Career Goals

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Hanna’s Avatar
Hanna Feb 02, 2018 897 views

How easy/hard is it to find a job in architecture?

I am currently in between a few possible career options. How easy/hard is it to get a good paying job as an architect right out of college? How easy/hard is it to get a good paying job in the marketing field? How easy/hard is it to get a good paying job in the engineering field? #architecture...

Hanna’s Avatar
Hanna Jan 17, 2018 1006 views

How do you know a career is right for you?

Many people say that they change their majors multiple times. And there are other people that say they changed their career many times (the national average is 5 different careers per person). But how do you know which one is the one for you? Is there a way that it will appear as the best...