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Sophie’s Avatar


Redwood City, California
2 Questions
86 Karma

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Sophie’s Avatar
Sophie Dec 16, 2014 4219 views

How long does it take to get a PHD or Doctorate in the sciences?

I love to learn and wish to receive the highest level of research education as possible. I also love to travel around the world so I was curious about how long each degree would require #science #astronomy #astrophysics #science-phd #doctorate

Sophie’s Avatar
Sophie Dec 16, 2014 2402 views

My dream is to become an Astronaut and fly on the ISS. What are some routes and majors that will help me achieve my dream?

There are many different way to become a Astronaut, like through the military or engineering. However, I love the sciences and have always wanted to become a scientist and an astronomer. What are possible ways to reach the cosmos and travel to the ISS and beyond? #science #scientist #biomedical...