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Las Vegas, Nevada
2 Questions
86 Karma

Reyna’s Career Goals

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Reyna’s Avatar
Reyna Jan 18, 2018 873 views

How do you survive in the real world? Independence or reliance?

Jobs. Taxes. Bills. Grocery shopping. Once I move away from home, it’s all up to me now, which raises the question: is it better to learn how to handle this stuff through my own mistakes and learn from the Internet OR to constantly get personal help from my parents every time a problem comes...

Reyna’s Avatar
Reyna Jan 18, 2018 1606 views

Is it better to keep doing what you’re good at or to challenge yourself with something out of your comfort zone?

Throughout all of my life, I’ve always gotten stuck at forks in the road: one pathway appearing to be safe and pleasant, and the other looking more like the depths of Hell. The sloth in me is always tempted to just take the easiest paths; however, this doesn’t often lead to the self-growth that...