Career questions tagged decisions

What are some things to consider when choosing a major?
Hi, I have been struggling with choosing a major and the time is getting closer to when I have to decide as I am in university. I decided against taking BA Psychology as I struggle with writing essays. I really love learning about psychology though (not so much the research part but the counseling part). I've been asking around about different majors and so far, my criteria has been that I'm interested in it and there are jobs related to that degree. Is there anything else I should be considering when deciding?

Is it better to invest into a business in order to be able to create your own company, after you complete your service for the military or go to college to earn a degree?
I am 18 years old and would want to join the navy for a minimum of 5 years, but I haven't exactly decided on what to do when I return back from the navy. I would like to invest into the stock market and crypto but I need to learn more about it, In order to invest and to be fully aware of everything. Also, I would like to start my own business and to run my own company one day after my 5 years into the navy. #business #Decisions #Soontobeveteran

I have an offer that expires before I get a final decision from other summer programs. What are my options and what should I do?
Good news: I've received an offer for a physics REU at the University of Arkansas! Bad news: I need to respond by Feb 26th, even though final decisions from other REUs, national labs, and NASA come in early March. What are my options? I've already asked if my application review could be expedited, and most programs told me it wasn't possible. I wish these deadlines were more coordinated! #internships #applications #decisions #physics #national-labs #engineering #optics #laser-physics #nasa #REU #research

How can I choose a profitable career when my interests don’t align with many?
I’m an upcoming senior in high school and I’m starting to seriously consider my future path. My issue is that my interest in the preforming and fine arts outweighs much of anything else, and From what I know those Aren’t fields that often get paid very much. I enjoy designing and drafting so I was looking at careers in the architectural and graphic design fields, but I hold more passion for fiction writing than I do Math. My other interests are things like theater, music (theory and performance) I do find things like psychology interesting, but that field deals with directly helping people, and jobs like that, (teacher, therapist, psychiatrist,) would be awful for me. So I’m at a huge roadblock. Any help? #arts #music #career #career-choice #help #architecture #graphicdesign #starvingartist #decisions #stuck #confused #help # #psychology #profitable #money

Should I take an AP US History class if I'm already taking an AP English class and going to manage a new club? Should I take this AP or do community college classes online?
#high-school-classes #APclasses #decisions

My question is how do I decide between two of my career interest. I am going to college now for cooking and I truly enjoy it so much . But on the other hand I also have another interest which is Psychology. My friends all come to me for nutrition advice , cooking advice , or life/relationship advice . I enjoy when my friends come to me with questions about food or life I light up because I'm excited to share my food knowledge and life experiences. For the few weeks I've been stuck between a rock and a hard place. Culinary is my thing . I can talk about food , nutritional facts , recipes and create weird recipes all day . My college offers 4 year degree for culianry but I'll have to learn about specialized diets and I always thought of cooking to be fun and without limits . So should I consider the 4 year for my bachelor's in Culinary Arts and Dietary Management?
#culinaryarts #college #college-major #career #decisions

Should I base my decision to attend college based on how much I can pay for it?
#college #college-advice #finance #money #professor #money #essays #admissions #decisions

How do you know which university is worth going to?
I'm thinking about going to Full Sail University but I've heard the cons about it as well, such as high tuition rates, blacklisting students, its for-profit, accelerated courses, and nontransferable credits. #career #decisions

I plan on going to college next year for nursing but I'm not sure what kind of nursing and I'm worried I wont get enough exposure to decide. What tips do you have so I can make an informed decision when I graduate?
#nurse #nurseslife #decisions #myfuture

What is it like to realize you want to change majors?
Going into college I feel confident in what I am majoring in, yet I know it is common to switch majors. Do the majority of people feel like this can be a overwhelming experience? What makes people decide to switch their major?#decisions #findyourpath #choosingamajor

How do I know when i'm making the right college and career decisions?
What are the signs and or characteristics of good decisions? #decisions #decision-making #college-decisions #life-decisions #career-decisions #career-choice #college-choice #life-choice

What should I do if I'm not sure what I want to major in?
I'm not sure if I want to major in bioenvironmental sciences or forensic sciences or even something else. Is it best to go undeclared? Or should I double major or pick one to minor in and one to major in? #decisions #science #future

Is it better to keep doing what you’re good at or to challenge yourself with something out of your comfort zone?
Throughout all of my life, I’ve always gotten stuck at forks in the road: one pathway appearing to be safe and pleasant, and the other looking more like the depths of Hell. The sloth in me is always tempted to just take the easiest paths; however, this doesn’t often lead to the self-growth that I long for. On the other hand, I see the glistening destination at the end of the more difficult road, but whenever I do decide to take that path, it seems like mission impossible. What’s your opinion? #decisions #choices #career-choices

What influenced you to pursue studies or a career in chemistry?
I am interested in pursuing a career in STEM. I have enjoyed the my chemistry labs and I'm wondering what other factors to consider if I decide chemistry is the field I want to focus my studies/career on? #decisions #career-path #chemistry #science #stem

Who/what do you think truly decides where you go to college?
Most people claim their decision to enroll in a certain college was completely their own. But is this accurate? How much of an influence do you think counselors, family members, friends, and/or money have in their decision? Are there other factors that may indirectly influence their decision? #college #higher-education #niche #decisions