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Columbia, South Carolina
2 Questions
141 Karma

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Jasmine Jan 18, 2018 618 views

Whats the best way to survive nursing in college?

I plan on joining the nursing program at my collage but I`m worried im going to end up struggling to pass the program and fail because I can`t keep up. What the best way to study for something like this? #stresed #nursing #medicine #college

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Jasmine Jan 18, 2018 1431 views

What is the best way to become friends with my college roomate?

I`m heading of to college soon and I don`t know what she`ll be like. It makes me a bit nervous that she`s a stranger to me, because what if its hard to become friends with her or we end up not liking each other. #roommates (new) #college #dorm-life