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Spring Hill, Tennessee
2 Questions
71 Karma

Yasmin’s Career Goals

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Yasmin’s Avatar
Yasmin Jan 24, 2018 1426 views

What are some careers available in social justice and social activism for immigration? Do I have to become an immigration lawyer to help?

I'm currently a high school senior on my way to college. And immigration is a topic I'm passionate about. I'm very interested in pursuing a career in social justice that will improve and impact the lives of immigrants living within our country. I know that many people tend to pursue careers in...

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Yasmin Jan 24, 2018 2273 views

Are foreign language degree considered "useless?"

I love foreign languages. I'm already bilingual. (I speak Spanish fluently.) It's my dream to become a polyglot. In college, I'm certain I want to either minor or major in a foreign language. I'm particularly interested in learning Japanese, but I'm also considering Arabic or Russian. The...