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Kayla’s Avatar


Enfield, Connecticut
2 Questions
46 Karma

Kayla’s Career Goals

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Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla Mar 05, 2018 675 views

How quickly will you adjust to finding your way around a college campus?

I’m worried about getting physically lost and not knowing where I am going, and therefore being late or missing a class. How quickly do you get the hang of it? And what are some tips for learning your way around? #campuslife

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla Mar 05, 2018 669 views

What should you do—pick a stable job with a solid income or go after what will make you happy?

Money is important. We all want to be able to live comfortably. If I get an opportunity to have a stable job with a steady income that I’m not necessarily in love with, real talk should I take it? Or try to find what makes me “happy.”
#dreamjob #moneyversushappiness