Career questions tagged dreamjob

How can I develop or achieve a academic or dream career while also maintaining a sufficient social and personal life?
For instance, being able to take vacations, practice my hobbies, hang out with friends and family are all what I desire but I fear I won't be able to do any of that if I take the standard academic route and do a Masters program or go to graduate school for even longer.

If the ideal job I want does not have an ideal career path, then what do I do? Do I make it myself or should I give up and switch and niche up?
I've always wanted to be a fiction writer but when looking at professional jobs/career paths, writing is never there. I would love to make short stories more than anything but it doesn't seem like it's a job I could make a comfortable living off of.

What is the best way to make photography your career?
I am only 18 years old and I would love to make photography my career one day. What are the right steps to take now? What do I need to achieve this? What path should I follow? THANKYOU.

How do I determine what I want to do with my life?
I don't want anything that has to do with the law or blood. I like something more on the artistic side. #artistic #dreamjob #highschool #job #career

What should you do—pick a stable job with a solid income or go after what will make you happy?
Money is important. We all want to be able to live comfortably. If I get an opportunity to have a stable job with a steady income that I’m not necessarily in love with, real talk should I take it? Or try to find what makes me “happy.” #dreamjob #moneyversushappiness

How do you break in into the cartoon industry?
One of my dreams is to write a cartoon, and I wanted to know how one would go about doing that. To clarify, I have little to no drawing skills, and I was wondering if there were any jobs that were strictly writing. #cartoons #dreamjob

What if your dream job doesn't turn out to be a dream?
I am in my second year of college, and I still don't know what career path I would like to go down. I have several things that I am passionate about (music, animals, art, psychology, public relations, etc.), but I am worried that if I choose one, it will be the wrong one. I'm afraid of entering a career that I got a bachelor's degree for and realizing that it is not as great as I thought it would be, but not being able to change career paths because I already got a degree. Is this a valid question or am I just overthinking this? Are there ways to prevent something like this from happening? If it does happen what is the best thing to do? #dreamjob #rightcareerpath #career-path #career-advice

Is it better to go for "the dream" or be realistic with a career?
I ask because I dream of starting my own make-up company (my major is biochemistry and minor is business), but I realize that it would probably be safer to study for medical/pharmacy school or even go into research. In today's economy, I don't know if it's worth the risk. #biochemistry #myfuture #dreamjob

How did you know when you chose the career that best suited you?
Everyone has a dream job, but not every dream job goes exactly how it is thought to be in one's head. As a student with high aspirations and a vast imagination, I've found that the careers that I thought I wanted to pursue, were going to be life-changing, and I would finally be satisfied with my contribution to the world. However, once I actually started working in the field I once praised, I quickly began to realize that this was not the path I wanted to continue on in my life. I now know the feeling of knowing what I don't want to do in the "real world", but how do I know what I do want to do ultimately when the time comes? #dreamjob #lifechanges #newexperiences #insight