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Dave Wiard’s Avatar

Dave Wiard

Software Engineer | DevOps Engineer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
7 Answers
8597 Reads
11 Karma

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Jaiden’s Avatar
Jaiden Dec 07, 2023 1227 views

As a software developer how do you balance meeting tight deadlines with maintaining good quality work?

I'm in 10th grade and I'm doing a project on software developers which is a career I'm interested in going into in the IT field.

Randy’s Avatar
Randy Oct 28, 2022 723 views

I'm in my junior year in high school right now and I was wondering what major, or things I should be doing if I want to be in the ?

I'm in my junior year in high school right now and I was wondering what major, or things I should be doing if I want to be a software developer in California that focus on mobile devices.

Ryan’s Avatar
Ryan May 25, 2022 1918 views

What is the normal day as a software developer like?

Im 12 and was thinking about my future job in class as a project. My main one was to become a software bc its interesting and i already started coding

Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler Mar 02, 2022 1247 views

What are some steps I should take as junior in high school to get into computers programming?

I am a junior in high school look for a a future career I like computers but do not know a lot about them and would like to know more about them #computer #computer-science #technology #computer-software

Howard’s Avatar
Howard Oct 05, 2021 763 views

Is it much more competitive to become a software engineer or software developer?

Currently in senior year of high school and debating whether to major in computer engineering or computer science.

#computer-software #computer-engineer

Jason’s Avatar
Jason Oct 05, 2021 1229 views

What are the qualifications or requirements of being a successful software engineer/coder

Hello CareerVillage, I am wondering about the requirements and maybe even the qualifications of being a coder. I am currently a junior in high school and am wondering what classes I can take other than computer science to help my way to becoming a software engineer or a coder....

Anthony’s Avatar
Anthony Jan 18, 2018 1039 views

Will the field of software engineering continue to grow after I graduate?

I have studied aspects of software engineering throughout high school. It really interests me and presently is a growing field. I would like to know if it will continue to grow or if it might be a good idea for me to look at focusing on another engineering field that will continue to grow...